What I bring to Mother's Day Lunch

What I bring to Mother's Day Lunch



Right after church


We gather around the table.


With some daffodils, pussy willows, and a spring breeze


Floral dresses 






Thank yous


Thank you, mom.

Thank you, grandma.

Thank you, to my family.


I love you


It's such a special little lunch.  It doesn't last long. We often eat off of paper plates, so we don't have to stress about washing dishes.


I'm a terrible cook.  But I want to share my appreciation to my mom and grandma... heck even myself!


It's hard work being a mom


The kind of hard work that gives your soul a purpose.


This year I'm bringing this pretty bottle of sparkling rose.


To make a toast to my favorite ladies


I get to call my family


Sipping pink bubbles poured out of this gorgeous hand-painted tiffany blue and floral bottle.


We'll giggle and clink to each other.


The perfect Mother's Day moment


Until next time,



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