About Paige

Paige Flotterud profile


Hi there (insert enthusiastic wave) 

Wanna know about me?! Ok, let me tell you.


First of all I love leopard print, wine, country living, and my family...Oh and obviously painting!


Man, I loooooove to paint. I could paint 24/7.  Not just art.  I really truly just love painting... walls, furniture, canvases, nails, hair, you name it!


I actually paint all of my paintings upside down and without my glasses on.


I know, it sounds crazy!

 Flower crown painting

When I make my art, I ask myself "Would I put this in my house?"


And let me tell you, I'm very picky about what goes in my house.  I live in a fabulous century farmhouse and I don't want the place to feel cluttered or stale or boring.


I want my home to feel fun and be full of memories... memories of celebrating all the seasons with my little girls and husband.


Surrounded by all of our adorable furry pets.


I want my kids to grow up and talk about how fun holidays were in our home and how loved and special they felt.  


I want them to go to college, find apartments, and then come home to visit on the holidays.  


When they walk through the door I want them to see big, fun art that celebrates the exact holiday they traveled so far to come back to me to for.  

 Bunny tail

That is what kind of art I make.  It's got to be special enough, fabulous enough for me to want to hang it up in my own home for those reasons. 





 I want that for you too!


What good is it for me to hoard all of this fabulous art that celebrates each season to myself if it can make you happy too?


You want to surround your family with wonderful holiday memories too, don't you?


You want your loved ones to feel special in the presence of your home too, don't you?




YOU yourself want to feel special and loved in your home, don't you?


Good thing you're here because I want that for you too!

