What it was like running my first fundraiser

What it was like running my first fundraiser

Nothing inside of me wanted to 




Everything in my being wanted to do what I could to help.  Scared.  Not just scared... Terrified, trembling. 


I pushed LIVE on my phone and proceeded to share my heart, feelings, feeling extremely vulnerable about the baby who passed away.  His story and where I fit in:




To do what I could... anything I could to help.  Help his mama.  Help his siblings.  Help his dad and uncle and friends and family.  So many people touched by his life.


It's been hard.  Really hard.


I always thought running a fundraiser was selling t-shirts door to door.  Or setting up a booth at the city festival.  I was wrong.  


This cause has turned out to be so much more for me.


Right when I thought I was getting a strong handle on my PPA/PPD. Shook... I was shook deep to my core.  


Nothing compared to what this family has been experiencing


Yet here I am... as I am writing this it has been 9 days


9 days of waking up every 30 minutes overnight to check on my girls.  I have been afraid.  So deeply afraid.  Of something I cannot control.  But I can't sleep. 


This really sunk in after I was at an appointment and my provider asked me:


"How much total in a night are you sleeping?"


3 hours maybe


Each night over the last 9 days


What I really didn't know... was what running a fundraiser really was like.


It matters.


Life matters.


Your life matters.


Families matter.


Babies and kids and teenagers and grandmas and moms and teachers of siblings and care providers and wives of uncles...




People care deeply.  Not just about donating. On a much more emotional level, they care.  They want to help.  I was absolutely overwhelmed as I watched the order numbers tally up.


Higher and higher


Much higher than a sleepless daycare friend mom could even believe


It blew my mind.  


People fell in love with the family, with baby Lucas, with the painting, with being part of a community that could pour love into a family walking through the hardest of times


Amazed and moved to tears


Night after night.  I am reminded of the goodness that lies in peoples' hearts.  


That, my friends, is what a fundraiser is all about


Until next time,


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